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18-min HIIT Workout on the Fit Slope (013)
This workout routine is blend of low/medium impact exercises with swing drills to build endurance and stamina.
Equipment Needed:
The CardioGolf™ Shortee Club
The CardioGolf™ Slope
Modified if no equipment is available.
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18-min Golf-Fitness HIIT Workout on the Slope-
1. Backswing on Up Slope 40 seconds
2. Jog on Slope 40 seconds
3. Impact on DownSlope 40 seconds
4. Seated March with Twist 30 seconds
5. Single Leg to Downdog 20 seconds each leg
6. Fast Swings 40 seconds
7. Break Dancers 30 seconds
8. Side Flexion 20 seconds each leg
9. Full Swing on Down Slope 40 seconds
Repeat Circuit up to 3 times.