Preview the CardioGolf™-Groove Your Swing Workout
2m 1s
This routine focuses on your golf swing mechanics to improve technique, and to increase consistency and clubhead speed.
Time: 10 to 30 minutes
Intensity: Moderate to Intense
Now that you have worked on flexibility, muscular/cardiovascular endurance and strength, you will want to work on your swing mechanics with your “improved body”. With improved posture, strength and flexibility, you should find that you are able to turn easier, swing faster and stay in balance better than before.
This workout is a series of golf swing drills. Watch the video all the way through before doing the workout, so that you can become familiar with the drills and technique. Use the Cardiogolf Shortee Club and Slope.
Always begin with the CardioGolf pre-round warm-up routine before doing this or any of the exercise routines.
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