2-minute Low and High Shots
1m 52s
Part 1-Keep it Low
When hitting into the wind or under tree limbs, you need to keep the clubhead traveling low through the impact area. To do that, adjust your set up:
1. Set up with weight on the front leg and the ball further back in your stance.
2. Lean the shaft forward, so your hands are in front of the ball at address position.
3. Keep your weight forward as you swing back and through, finishing with your hands and clubhead low.
Part 2-Hit it High
To hit a shot with high trajectory, you need to adjust your set up position:
1. Lean your weight forward, but tilt your upper body away from the target, with the ball forward in your stance.
2. Lean the shaft away from the target as you open the clubface.
3. Let the weight of the club accelerate through the ball on the downswing. Make sure that you follow through and finish with your hands high.