13:46-min Smooth Swing Routine (015)
Making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique. If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assure that you are actually doing the correct move. Repeating the motion that you want to achieve will help ingrain the move into your real swing.
Use the CardioGolf ‘Shortee’ Club and Slope to practice everyday.
When you practice you want to make sure that 1) you are practicing the right moves and 2) that you are grooving a consistent swing that you can take to the golf course.
You want your swing to become automatic, like spelling your name. When was the last time you misspelled your name? You probably can’t remember because it is automatic, you do it without thought. Why can’t swinging a golf club be the same way? Why can’t we make a smooth swing without any thought every single time?
Well, that is because this game is really hard, even pros don’t make a perfect swing every single time. But they are consistent and that is because they have practiced enough that it has become automatic.
One way to get a more automatic swing is to do drills and exercises. When you repeat drills, you ingrain the feelings and you improve faster. When you do drills, making several repetitions, your muscles start to get feel and you don’t have to think so much.
Smooth Swing Routine:
Grip Check
Grip Pressure
Feet Together Drill
Core Backswings on Up Slope
Core Full Swings Down Slope
Swish Drill
Weight Shift Drill on Up and Down Slope
Slow to Fast Swings
Power Swings
Do 8 to 10 repetitions for each exercise. Repeat circuit 2 to 3 times.