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Week 5

Week 5

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Week 5
  • 28-min Rotation and Power Workout (018)

    It is important to do exercises that develop rotational mobility. Firstly, if you lack mobility in that upper spine, there will be restrictions on how far you can turn your torso, therefore limiting your backswing.

    Secondly, the lack of mobility in that upper spine will limit the backswing caus...

  • 23-min Power Workout (014)

    Power Up Your Swing with CardioGolf
    One of the main reasons golfers should be seeking power in their golf swings, besides to hit it past your friends, is to make sure that you have a shorter shot in for your approach to the green. It is much easier to get a 9-iron close to the pin then a 3-metal...

  • 36-minute Total Body Strength Workout with Weights NO MUSIC

    The NASM or National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends that people do a minimum of 2 days of resistance or strength training per week. Regular resistance training can help you improve your strength, flexibility, coordination and agility. All things needed for a efficient golf swing.

    When y...

  • 7:36 min Know Your Putter and How to Grip it

    Today we focus on putting-

    So why is the putter grip is flat or square compared to a rounded golf grip on a club?

    That is because the flat grip helps place the hands in an opposing position where the palms are facing each other and the thumbs can lay down on the front part of the grip. This gr...