23-min Power Workout (014)
Week 5
Power Up Your Swing with CardioGolf
One of the main reasons golfers should be seeking power in their golf swings, besides to hit it past your friends, is to make sure that you have a shorter shot in for your approach to the green. It is much easier to get a 9-iron close to the pin then a 3-metal or utility club. When you gain power in your swing, you have a better chance of lower your score.
In order to add power you have to get stronger, learn to move your muscles faster and train the correct sequence of motion.
In this HIIT inspired CardioGolf Power Workout, you will do exercises that will increase your power output, burn calories and increase your endurance on and off the golf course.
Combining strength and cardiovascular exercise into an interval circuit or HIIT can be more beneficial than cardiovascular or strength training alone because the intensity of the exercises raises the resting metabolism, which can help burn more calories in less time.
Interval circuit training or HIIT prepares the body for “burst” sports, such as golf, that require an intense amount of activity in a short amount of time.
Interval circuit training or HIIT can be less intimidating than a long cardio workout because a person is doing short exercise bursts of 20 to 40 seconds of several different exercises instead of 40 to 60 minutes of only one exercise.
An interval circuit is easy to perform at home, in a hotel room or at a gym. This form of exercise cuts workout time by nearly half.
Power Block 1
Do each exercise for 40 seconds
1. Fire walk
2. Lateral Bounding
3. Jump, Jump, Hold
Do three sets
Rest for 1 to 2 minutes in between each set
Power Block 2
Do each exercise for 40 seconds
1. Squat and Extend
2. Lunge and Twist
3. Core Rotators
Do three sets
Rest for 1 to 2 minutes in between each set
Power Block 3
Do each exercise for 40 seconds
1. Shuffle and Twist
2. Wood Chops
3. Golf Swing Squats
Do three sets
Rest for 1 to 2 minutes in between each set
Up Next in Week 5
36-minute Total Body Strength Workout...
The NASM or National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends that people do a minimum of 2 days of resistance or strength training per week. Regular resistance training can help you improve your strength, flexibility, coordination and agility. All things needed for a efficient golf swing.
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