10-min Squat and Practice Swing Workout (026)
CardioGolf® Groove Your Swing Workouts
9m 40s
According to studies, if you move your large muscles in your legs for 60 seconds, for example lunges or squats to the CardioGolf Slope, your energy level could improve by 90%. Canadian researches have found that even shorts busts of motion-as long as you are moving some large muscles in your body, like thigh muscles-switches on the gene that heighten insulin sensitivity, helping your muscle and brain cells soak up 23% more energizing glucose.
Lunges and squats are great exercises for golfers because they increase strength in the entire lower body including the glutei, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hips and ankles according to studies.
Lunges and squats also help you develop balance and coordination which will help you increase your clubhead speed and hit more solid shots.
One of the most important movements in golf is the squat position. You set up in a squat position at address position and you want to maintain that squat throughout the swing. To squat properly, you need leg strength. Leg strength will also help you transfer body weight onto the lead leg and to extend the hips up through impact. This move creates a tremendous amount of force to help create power. So if you want power in your swing, you should be squatting everyday.
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At-Home Groove Your Swing Workout
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