3-min Neuromuscular Training to Groove Your Swing
CardioGolf® Weekly Practice Plan
3m 0s
A New Way to Practice-
Making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique. If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assure that you are actually doing the correct move. Repeating the motion that you want to achieve will help ingrain the move into your real swing.
Making practice swings and watching good golf swings at the same time will accelerate your improvement.
Once the only way to train in golf was to put in long frustrating hours of lessons and practice. Doing this, most golfers only reinforce their bad habits. Using neuromuscular training can help you get faster results. 'Neuromuscular training' works like no other method to form new, fundamentally sound habits, break old habits, cure slumps, and improve your game.
Simply watch good golfers with good swing technique. Watching good swing technique helps your body and mind respond as if you were physically performing the swings yourself. Combine watching and making practice swings at the same time and you will improve your tempo, timing and technqiue.
As you watch, imagine you are swinging and hitting the shot yourself. That's the neuromuscular training at work, giving your body a lesson in perfect golf moves—grooving golf perfection deep into your mind and body.