2-min "Shake Hands" Drill
Day 2-The CardioGolf® 5-Day Program for Beginner Golfers
2m 1s
“The best psychologist in the world is a square clubface at impact” – Ben Hogan
To be a consistent ball striker, you should strive to swing with a square clubface at all times, unless, of course, you are trying to intentionally curve the ball. Golf is a hard enough game hitting the ball straight, let alone fighting an open or closed clubface at impact.
With a correct grip, your hand and wrist should rotate the clubhead so it stays square to the body throughout the swing. When the club is parallel to the ground, the toe of the club will point up. This is a square clubface. The palm of your right hand and the back of your left hand (if you are right-handed) should end up in what we instructors call the “shake hands” position. As you follow through, again the hands and wrists rotate so that when the club is parallel to the ground once again the toe of the club will point up.
Shake Hands Drill
Check the halfway position in your golf swing and strive to keep the clubface square.
Stop at this position frequently to check clubface.
Up Next in Day 2-The CardioGolf® 5-Day Program for Beginner Golfers
3-min Grip Fundamentals
The Grip-
To increase clubhead speed you need to have light grip pressure. If your hands are gripping the club too tightly then you won’t be able to swing freely. Tension kills speed. Spend a few minutes today thinking and working on your grip. You can perfect your grip while you watch TV. D...