1-min Drill to Hit Solid Irons off a Tight Lie
Golf Instruction
1m 6s
In order to make the best golf swings with irons off of a tight lie, you must believe you can hit them well, but sheer anxiety high handicappers experience when standing over a tight lie prevents them from hitting a solid shot. Either they don’t complete the backswing or they tense up and try to help the ball up in the air.
So think about swinging the club instead of hitting the ball. When you take a practice swing, pick out a piece of dirt or blade of grass and try to clip it as you swing all the way through to the finish and make a conscious effort to hit your shoulder with the shaft.
If you raise your body up and down, you’ll mis-hit shots. So as you take your practice swings today, think of maintaining your spine angle throughout the swing.
Here is a drill I call Tee Progression Drill to learn to hit solid irons.
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