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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

1-minute Jumping Jacks

Individual Cardio and Endurance Exercises • 59s

Up Next in Individual Cardio and Endurance Exercises

  • 2-minute Side Toe Tap

    This routine will help you develop strength and balance for your lower body. Having great balance and strength in your legs allows you to drive through the ball onto your target side at impact and into a well-balanced follow-through position for more power. This exercise is to help build a powerf...

  • 2-minute Shuffle, Change Direction a...

    If you are looking for more power in your swing, then you want to increase the separation between your upper and lower body. Your ability to wind your upper body over the resistance of your lower body helps create a rubber band effect that creates speed on the downswing. This exercise has all th...

  • 2-minute Tilted Helicopter Arms

    One of the keys to keep the club on plane to hit consistent shots is to maintain your spine angle throughout your swing. The shoulders to turn perpendicular to the spine, so from forward tilted position you create, from bending at the hips during address, the shoulders actually tilt as they turn....