2-minute Fire Walk with Resistance Band
Individual Strength Exercises
1m 59s
For this exercise to be effective, you need to choose the right strength resistance band available at any sporting good stores. The band colors indicate the level of resistance. Choose the band that fits your needs.
Keeping the band flat, not bunched, place it just above each
ankle and wrapped around both legs.
With your feet shoulder width apart, the band should be taut.
Bend your knees slightly as if you were in your golf stance, in order to activate the glute medius muscles.
Keep your feet in line with your shoulders, and your hips and shoulders square.
Maintaining the half-squat position, shift your weight over one leg and take a step laterally (sideways) with the other leg.
Return to the start position and repeat on opposite leg.
Alternate stepping side to side with both legs for 8 to 10 repetitions on both sides.
Up Next in Individual Strength Exercises
1-minute Push-Ups (Box variation)
This is a variation of a regular push-up. This version takes some weight out of your arms and chest so that you can complete more repetitions.
Start on your hands and knees in table top position.
With your arms straight, your shoulders should be over your wrists and your hips should be over you... -
1-minute Balance with Rotation
This exercise helps improve balance and teaches you to dissociate your upper body from your lower body.
Stand in a shoulder width stance.
Hold a golf club parallel to the ground.
Lift one foot off of the ground balancing on one leg.
Slowly rotate your upper body to one side.
Return to the starti... -
1-minute Plank with Rotation
Spinal mobility is crucial to the golfer, not only to maintain proper posture throughout your swing but also to allow the body to move smoothly through all rotational ranges of motion. This exercise will not only help you develop mobility in spine, but in the torso, shoulder, hips and neck.