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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

3-min CardioGolf™ Swing Positions

Individual Swing Drills • 3m 32s

Up Next in Individual Swing Drills

  • 1.45 minute Backswing without Club

    Practicing at the range is good, but if you have a swing fault, then instead of improving your swing with more repetitions, you just end up ingraining the swing fault more into your swing. In Cardiogolf, you'll be doing a battery of exercises designed to improve your body movement and swing techn...

  • 1-minute-Closed Stance Drill

    Coming “over the top” is easily the average player’s most common fault. From the top of the swing, the most common mistake I see is people initiating the downswing by spinning the shoulders and upper body towards the target. This forces your hands and arms away from your upper body and brings the...

  • 2-minute Wrist Hinge Drill

    Wrist hinge should happen naturally in the golf swing. If your grip is in a neutral position, the wrists will be able to fully hinge as you swing the club back to the top. There is no exact spot where you are supposed to hinge your wrists. Some players set their wrists very early in the swing ...