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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

4-minute One Legged Balance Exercise on Slope-Groove Your Swing

Individual Swing Drills • 3m 51s

Up Next in Individual Swing Drills

  • 2-minute Wide Takeaway Drill

    If your club moves out of position on the takeaway-if it goes inside too much or it goes outside too far-the rest of your swing becomes a series of compensations. The takeaway determines the rest of your swing. Make sure you get it right.

    Stand in your golf posture holding a golf club.
    Start y...

  • 2-minute Wrist Hinge Drill

    As you swing back, it is important to 'set your wrists' in order to create a lever in your golf swing. Higher-handicappers tend to keep their wrist straight and then end up hinging their elbows instead, creating a narrow, lifted swing. Ideally at the halfway back point, when the lead arm is par...

  • 2-minute Pivot Drill

    The Pivot Drill not only helps you learn correct body motion and to synchronize the weight shift and arms, but it can also help you stretch your shoulders, low back and build muscular endurance.

    Assume your golf stance with your club placed behind your shoulders.
    Turn back as if you were swing...