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5:40 min Light Jumping Pre-Round Warm-Up Routine

Pre-Round Warm Up Routines • 5m 40s

Up Next in Pre-Round Warm Up Routines

  • 4-min Red Shirt Pre-Round Warm Up Rou...

    This is a pre-round warmup routine for golfers. For many of us, we used to be able to hop out of the car, go straight to the first tee and rip a drive down the middle of the fairway. Now by skipping a warmup before a round of golf may mean it takes us 4 or 5 holes before you loosen up and gain yo...

  • 10-min CardioGolf® Pre-Round Warmup R...

    CardioGolf® Pre-Round Warmup Routine-No Equipment Required.

    This is a pre-round warmup routine for golfers. For many of us, we used to be able to hop out of the car, go straight to the first tee and rip a drive down the middle of the fairway. Now by skipping a warmup before a round of golf may ...

  • 9-min Pre-Round Warm-Up with PowerBandz

    Equipment Needed:
    CardioGolf® Shortee Club
    GolfGym® PowerBandz
    Modify if no equipment available.

    Maximize Your Performance with this Pre-Round Warm-Up Routine.

    Doing warm-up routine offers several benefits that can significantly improve your performance on the golf course. Here are some reasons...