

CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to improve strength, flexibility and endurance plus improve your swing technique.

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  • 9-min Pre-Round Warm-Up with PowerBandz

    Equipment Needed:
    CardioGolf® Shortee Club
    GolfGym® PowerBandz
    Modify if no equipment available.

    Maximize Your Performance with this Pre-Round Warm-Up Routine.

    Doing warm-up routine offers several benefits that can significantly improve your performance on the golf course. Here are some reasons...

  • 20-min Workout to Strengthen Your Swing Base (028)

    Resistance bands are a great alternative for golfers who don’t want to use free weights or machines. They come in a variety of resistances, including light, medium and heavy, and you can adjust the intensity of your resistance band by giving the band more or less slack.

    You can even use multiple...

  • Tuesday Daily Groove

    Do these exercises on a daily basis to not only help golfers of all levels improve your swing technique and get a great workout at the same time.

    Equipment Needed:
    CardioGolf™ Slope
    CardioGolf™ Shortee Club
    GolfGym® PowerBall
    GolfGym® PowerSwing Trainer
    GolfGym® PowerFan
    Modify if no equip...