3:37-min Monitor Your Grip Pressure
Individual Swing Drills
3m 36s
To increase clubhead speed you need to have light grip pressure. If your hands are gripping the club too tightly then you won’t be able to swing freely. Tension kills speed. Spend a few minutes today thinking and working on your grip. You can perfect your grip while you watch TV. Do a few drills and make a few practice swings while you watch TV and you will get comfortable with any changes you have to make in no time.
A lot of people overlook the importance of the grip pressure in the golf swing.
The stronger you are in hands and wrists, the lighter you can hold club (light grip pressure creates clubhead speed and helps square clubface at impact).
Here is a little drill to help you find your ideal grip pressure and increase strength in your hands and wrists.
You want to alternate taking practice swings with light and tight grip pressure.
You will see that the tighter you hold the club, the less fast you can swing and the lighter you hold it, the faster you can swing.
Alternating back and forth with tight and light grip pressure will help you find what is right for you and help you develop some strength especially important for ladies.
Up Next in Individual Swing Drills
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If you were to ask me to recommend one golf-specific exercise to all my students, it would be the Pivot Drill. The Pivot Drill helps you learn correct body motion and helps to synchronize the weight shift and arm swing. This exercise is a great way to warm up before play and practice and can help...
The CardioGolf™ Shortee Club and Golf...
The GolfGym PowerSWING Plus easily attaches to any standard golf grip. Teaches the “Feel” of Your Golf Swing. Eliminates “Casting” and “Over the Top”. Add Power and Distance. Helps You Practice More Efficiently. Receive Immediate Feedback.
Visit CardioGolf.com for more information.
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