15-min Rotate and Stretch Routine
CardioGolf® Online Studio
Up Next in CardioGolf® Online Studio
The CardioGolf® Fit Slope
A Note from Karen Palacios-Jansen Golf Fitness Professional-
Get yours at CardioGolf.com.
I developed the CardioGolf® Slope to help golfers practice uphill and downhill lies, but it is also a great tool for exercise. You can do a variety of traditional low-impact exercises as well as strength,...
10-min Low Impact Cardio/Endurance fo...
The CardioGolf® Shortee Club
The CardioGolf® Slope
Modified if no equipment is available.In today’s CardioGolf® workout, we’ll focus on building endurance through low-impact exercises that are easy on your joints but highly effective for improving your stamina on the course. We’ll be using the ...
10-min Golf Tournament Practice Plan
With the Club Championship, Member/Guest and charity golf event season upon us, we understand that your time is precious. Balancing work, life, and golf can be challenging, especially when events put added pressure on your game. That’s why we’ve designed this 10-minute daily practice plan to help...