15-min CardioGolf™/GolfGym® PowerBandz Shoulder Workout (06)
To play golf to your your full potential you must have the ability to rotate your shoulder muscles and joints in their full functional capacity. If there are restrictions in your shoulders there will be compensations somewhere else in the musculoskeletal system, which will result in swing faults and possible injury.
The GolfGym® PowerBandz are designed to help you develop your golf-specific movement patterns (against resistance) to ingrain those movement patterns into your body and mind.
GolfGym® PowerBandz are available in two resistance levels to develop greater rotation, strength, flexibility and balance through golf specific movement patterns and exercise
LPGA Teaching Professional and NASM Certified Personal Trainer Karen Palacios-Jansen created a shoulder-specific workout for golfers using the GolfGym® PowerBandz. "I love using the GolfGym® PowerBandz especially for shoulder workouts because you want to strengthen your shoulders but not lose flexibility or range of motion. Using heavy weights can tighten shoulder and back muscles if not combined with mobility exercises. The combination of the resistance and stretch in the GolfGym® PowerBandz is perfect to help golfers build strength but keep the range of motion in the shoulders for a flowing golf swing,' says Jansen, the Creator of CardioGolf.
Jansen uses the GolfGym® PowerBandz in many of her workouts. Do her CardioGolf TV shoulder specific workout.
To order the GolfGym® PowerBandz go to golfgym.com.
Here is a shoulder specific workout that can be modified to suit your specific fitness needs.
Shoulder Workout
Arm Circles
Pendulum Arms
Plank Hold
Wall Push-Ups
Internal and External Shoulder Rotation
Shoulder V’s
Back Rows
Shoulder Stretch
Chest Stretch
Back Stretch
Up Next in Strength
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Get your heart pumping and your golf form in shape with Cardiogolf’s Shortee Practice Club. No golf ball required!
Visit http://cardiogolf.com to download the FREE Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine E-Book.
Check out this Cardiogolf HIIT Slope Workout for Golfers-
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