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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

Cardiogolf Shortee Practice Training Club

Golf Instruction • 1m 15s

Up Next in Golf Instruction

  • 2-minute Wide Takeaway Drill

    If your club moves out of position on the takeaway-if it goes inside too much or it goes outside too far-the rest of your swing becomes a series of compensations. The takeaway determines the rest of your swing. Make sure you get it right.

    Stand in your golf posture holding a golf club.
    Start y...

  • 2-minute Wrist Hinge Drill

    As you swing back, it is important to 'set your wrists' in order to create a lever in your golf swing. Higher-handicappers tend to keep their wrist straight and then end up hinging their elbows instead, creating a narrow, lifted swing. Ideally at the halfway back point, when the lead arm is par...

  • Swing Plane Exercise

    The golf swing in its most simple form is really only a circle. The radius of that circle, back and through the swing is the lead are (left arm for a right-handed swing and right arm in a left-handed swing). Good players create a wide arc on the backswing and maintain the radius that they created...