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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

1.49 minute-Hip Flexor Stretch on Floor

Individual Flexibility Exercises • 1m 48s

Up Next in Individual Flexibility Exercises

  • 1.9 minute-External Shoulder Rotation

    If you have ever been frustrated because your body would not produce the shot you had in mind, chances are that your muscles could not produce the full range of motion needed for the correct swing. If you have any restrictions in your shoulders, then you will have an abbreviated backswing and i...

  • 1.3 minute-Torso Rotation with Club

    This exercise teaches you to rotate your upper body independently from your lower body.

    Stand is a shoulder width stance.
    Hold a club in front of your chest as shown.
    Rotate your upper torso and hold position to one side as you exhale and inhale. Hold stretch for 8 to 10 counts.
    Return to start ...

  • 1.24 minute Half Kneeling Rotation Te...

    This test measures the overall flexibility between your upper and lower body, along with your core stability. Having good separation between your upper and lower body facilitates greater speed and power in your golf swing. Limited separation can result in a number of swing faults including too mu...