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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

1-minute Beast Pose

Individual Strength Exercises • 1m 16s

Up Next in Individual Strength Exercises

  • 2-minute Glute Activation

    This exercise is called the monster walk because you will be taking giant steps forward and backwards creating tension in the band to strengthen the glute muscles.

    Place the band around your legs as shown and create some tension in the band.
    Assume a semi-squat position with both knees bent.

  • 2-min Glute Activation Exercise

    Your ability to shift your weight in the golf swing is determined by the amount of glute strength you have. If those muscles are weak, the tendency is to use more upper body muscles to create the downswing which could lead to swing faults and injury. Strengthening your glute muscles will help p...

  • 1-minute Push-Ups

    Push-ups can help you increase the strength of your triceps, pectorals, biceps and shoulders as well as forearms and wrists. These muscles are responsible for helping you create clubhead speed on the downswing and through impact. Start on your knees to modify.

    Get into the standard push-up posit...