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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

1-minute Body Motion and Weight Shift Drill

Individual Swing Drills • 54s

Up Next in Individual Swing Drills

  • 1-minute Left Arm Only Drill

    Practicing at the range is good, but if you have a swing fault, then instead of improving your swing with more repetitions, you just end up ingraining the swing fault more into your swing. In CardioGolf, you'll be doing a battery of exercises designed to improve your body movement and swing techn...

  • 2-minute One Arm Only Swings without ...

    Practicing at the range is good, but if you have a swing fault, then instead of improving your swing with more repetitions, you just end up ingraining the swing fault more into your swing. In CardioGolf, you'll be doing a battery of exercises designed to improve your body movement and swing techn...

  • 2-min "Shake Hands" Drill

    “The best psychologist in the world is a square clubface at impact” – Ben Hogan

    To be a consistent ball striker, you should strive to swing with a square clubface at all times, unless, of course, you are trying to intentionally curve the ball. Golf is a hard enough game hitting the ball straight...