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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

24-min CardioGolf Slope Workout for Golfers (019)

CardioGolf™ Certification Program • 24m

Up Next in CardioGolf™ Certification Program

  • 17-min Golf Swing Biomechanics Tutorial

    This CardioGolf video is more a tutorial to help you understand how the human body moves in the golf swing.

    You need to have an understanding of how all your muscles and joints move in different planes of motion and in their full range in order to sequence the swing and move more effective. Your...

  • What are CardioGolf Swing Drills...

    CardioGolf™ Fitness System
    Get your Heart Pumping and your Golf Form in shape with the CardioGolf Fitness System…No golf ball required!

    Professional golfers know the importance of athletic development for golf. As a recreational golfer, you may not have the time to train like an elite athlete, b...

  • 2-min CardioGolf Shortee Club Set Up

    In CardioGolf class, I use short practice clubs to do exercises and swing drills. The club is short for a couple of reasons:

    The Shortee club is easy to swing indoors without hitting the walls or ceilings.
    The clubhead is closer to your hands, so it is easy to monitor the clubface and learn how...