15-min Step-by-Step Practice Routine for a Smoother Swing (058)
CardioGolf® Groove Your Swing Workouts
This 15-minute practice routine is a basic guide to help you work on your swing motion. Remember that consistency is key to improving your golf swing. Regular practice, even in short sessions, can yield significant improvements over time. If you have specific swing issues, consider consulting a golf instructor for personalized guidance.
Here's a basic routine that you can follow:
1. Warm-Up (2 minutes):
Start with some light stretching and a few swings with a short iron to loosen up your muscles.
2. Alignment and Posture (2 minutes):
Set up properly by ensuring your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned with the target.
Check your posture, keeping your back straight and knees slightly flexed.
3. Grip (1 minute):
Work on your grip. Make sure it's comfortable and allows for a neutral clubface at address.
4. Short Iron (5 minutes):
Begin with a short iron (e.g., a 9-iron) to focus on your swing motion.
Take slow, controlled swings, concentrating on a smooth takeaway, backswing, and follow-through.
Pay attention to your weight transfer and balance.
5. Mid-Iron (3 minutes):
Switch to a mid-iron (e.g., a 7-iron) and repeat the same process.
Concentrate on maintaining a consistent tempo and fluid motion.
6. Driver (2 minutes):
Finish with the driver, your target club.
Focus on keeping the ball in play rather than hitting it as far as possible.
Work on your swing tempo and control.
Reflect on your practice session. What aspects of your swing motion felt improved, and what still needs work?
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Clothes provided by LOHLA Sports lohlasport.com-use code CardioGolf20 for 20% discount.
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