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Watch this video and more on CardioGolf® Online Studio

2-minute Total Body Spinal Rotators

Individual Flexibility Exercises • 1m 51s

Up Next in Individual Flexibility Exercises

  • 2-minute Thoracic Spine Stretch

    If you cannot take your thoracic spine through full range of motion, you will end up over using your shoulder muscles and this may cause injury. You will tend to lift the club up to the top instead of making a complete turn to finish your backswing, leading to power leaks and swing faults.

    Lie ...

  • 1-minute Shoulder and Arm Opener

    In the golf swing, you need to move certain parts of your body, while other parts stabilize. This is what helps you create clubhead speed. If your shoulders are tight, then you can’t swing your arms independently from your torso and you won’t be able to create clubhead speed.

    Stand in a shoulder...

  • 1-minute Quick Golf-Specific Warm Up ...

    You should warm up muscles and joints before you stretch. You actually need to warm up before you warm up. You need to Actively Warm Up before you play and practice.

    To increase your blood flow, which brings needed oxygen to muscles and joints, you can jog in place, do jumping jacks or take a b...