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2-minute PowerBall Rocking Drill (002)

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1:14-minute Forearm and Wrist Stretch

Individual Strength Exercises • 1m 13s

Up Next in Individual Strength Exercises

  • 2-minute PowerBall Rocking Drill (002)

    Karen demonstrates a drill to help develop core strength using the GolfGym PowerBall. The GolfGym Double Handled 8 Pound PowerBall is specifically designed to build a strong core and more rotation while challenging your balance and golf posture.

  • 1:22 minute Plié Squat

    Plié Squats are a variation of a regular squat. With your knees wider and turned out, the exercise targets the inner thigh muscles more. This is a very good exercise to not only strengthen the lower body, but also to develop flexibility and balance.

    Use a club for balance.
    Stand in a wider than...

  • 1-minute Push-Ups (On Knees variation)

    This is a variation of a regular push-up. This version takes some weight out of your arms and chest so that you can complete more repetitions.

    Start on your hands and knees and form a plank position with your body.
    With your arms straight, your shoulders should be over your wrists and your hips ...