10-min Office Chair Stretch Routine for Weekend Golfers
Total Body Flexibility Routines
Office Chair Stretch Routine for Weekend Golfers is great for people who are desk bound throughout the week. You can do this entire routine from your office chair.
10-min Office Chair Stretch Routine for Weekend Golfers
Equipment needed:
Office Chair
CardioGolf® Fit Slope
Available at CardioGolf.com
Modify if equipment is not available.
Sit on the edge of the chair
Single knee pull
Double knee pull
Cross Leg Sit
External Hip Rotation
Internal Hip Rotation
Glute Stretch
Hamstring/IT Band Stretch
Modified Camel
Knee Crunches
Core Punches
Chair Dips
Hip Flexor Lunge
Calf Raises
Standing Ankle Stretch
Up Next in Total Body Flexibility Routines
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Equipment Needed:
The CardioGolf™ Slope
The CardioGolf™ Shortee Club
Modified if no equipment is available.Order your equipment at CardioGolf.com.
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Equipment Needed:
CardioGolf™ Slope
CardioGolf™ Shortee Club
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