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CardioGolf™-It's Fitness and Golf!

CardioGolf™-It's Fitness and Golf!

A New Way to Practice- CardioGolf™ TV includes golf-specific workout routines and swing drills to help golfers of all levels improve their swing technique and get a great workout at the same time.

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CardioGolf™-It's Fitness and Golf!
  • CardioGolf™ Groove Your Swing Workouts

    Get your Heart Pumping and your Golf Form in shape with the CardioGolf Fitness System…No golf ball required!

    Professional golfers know the importance of athletic development for golf. As a recreational golfer, you may not have the time to train like an elite athlete, but by simply adding a few s...

  • 17-min Golf Swing Biomechanics Tutorial

    This CardioGolf video is more a tutorial to help you understand how the human body moves in the golf swing.

    You need to have an understanding of how all your muscles and joints move in different planes of motion and in their full range in order to sequence the swing and move more effective. Your...

  • 7-min CardioGolf™ Slope Daily Workout (023)

    CardioGolf™-It's Fitness and Golf!
    A Note from Karen-Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professional-I developed the CardioGolf Slope to help golfers practice uphill and downhill lies, but it is also a great tool for exercise. You can do a variety of traditional low-impact exercises as well as strength, balanc...

  • Change Your Game with the CardioGolf™ Slope

    Rarely, if ever, do you have a flat lie on the golf course, so it is important to practice your swing on sloping lies to develop feel and stability. The CardioGolf™ ‘Slope’ is curved like a fairway slope. You can vary the angle you place your foot to practice various sloping lies.

    Simply taking ...

  • The CardioGolf™ Slope

    A Note from Karen-Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professional-I developed the CardioGolf Slope to help golfers practice uphill and downhill lies, but it is also a great tool for exercise. You can do a variety of traditional low-impact exercises as well as strength, balance, core and even upper body exercise...

  • CardioGolf™ Not Just for Golfers

    A Note from Karen-Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professional-I developed the CardioGolf Slope to help golfers practice uphill and downhill lies, but it is also a great tool for exercise. You can do a variety of traditional low-impact exercises as well as strength, balance, core and even upper body exercise...

  • 10 Ways to Use the CardioGolf™ Fitness System

    A New Way to Practice- The CardioGolf™ TV includes golf-specific workout routines and swing drills to help golfers of all levels improve their swing technique and get a great workout at the same time.

  • Vintage CardioGolf™

    Just for fun. Check out this vintage CardioGolf™ infomercial from a few years ago!

    Golf is just a game and it’s meant to be enjoyed and not taken too seriously. It won’t kill you if you miss a few practice sessions, 3-putt or take a few weeks off from playing.

    Your health, on the other hand, ...

  • CardioGolf™ Total Fitness System

    A New Way to Practice- CardioGolf™ Online Studio includes golf-specific workout routines and swing drills to help golfers of all levels improve their swing technique and get a great workout at the same time.

  • CardioGolf™-Cardio Blast and Swing Routine

    Making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique.  If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assure that you are actually doing the correct move.  Repeating the motion that you want t...

  • 11:21 min-GolfGym® PowerSwing Trainer and Slope Workout (no music)

    The GolfGym® PowerSwing Trainer is designed for the golfer looking to develop greater rotation, strength, flexibility and balance through golf-specific movement patterns and exercises. Use in-season and off-season. Get yours at

    GolfGym PowerSwing Trainer comes in either Right Han...

  • 2-min Neuromuscular Training to Groove Your Swing for Better Tempo

    A New Way to Practice-

    Simply watch this video to groove your swing for more power

    Making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique. If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assu...

  • 27-min Groove Your Swing Drills Featuring Karen Palacios-Jansen (024)

    CardioGolf video series includes drills and exercises to help golfers of all levels improve their swing technique and get some exercise at the same time.

    Practicing at the range is good, but if you have a swing fault, then instead of improving your swing with more repetitions, you just end up in...

  • Phil Mickelson-What is Takes to Be a Major Championship Winner Over 50!

    Professional golfers know the importance of athletic development for golf. As a recreational golfer, you may not have the time to train like an elite athlete, but by simply adding a few swing drills into your daily routine, you can dramatically improve your game. And you don’t have to go to the g...

  • CardioGolf™ Online Studio Subscription

    Do the 30-Days to a Fluid Golf Swing Challenge!

    You don't a tee time, a golf course or even a driving range to practice your swing...
    You don't need a set of clubs to practice your swing...
    You don't even need to hit a golf ball to practice your swing...


  • CardioGolf More Pars Workout Preview

  • 5:54 min HIIT Workout featuring Dan Jansen

    This workout routine is blend of low and high impact to build endurance and stamina.

    Olympic Gold Medalist and 8-time world record holder in speed skating, Dan Jansen will show you how he uses the CardioGolf Slope to do HIIT workout routines.

    HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training alternates bet...

  • 35-min CardioGolf™ More Pars Groove Your Swing Workout-No Music

    Making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique. If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assure that you are actually doing the correct move. Repeating the motion that you want t...

  • The CardioGolf™ Slope

    Olivia Jansen a NASM Certified Personal Trainer demonstrates a variety of ways to use the Slope Fitness Platform. For more information visit