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Junior Golf Fitness Featuring Britni Gielow

Junior Golf Fitness Featuring Britni Gielow

About Britni Gielow-

Britni is a LPGA Teaching Professional and Certified CardioGolf Trainer. A former Academic All-American at NCAA Division III Hope College, Britni teaches golf and CardioGolf classes at several locations in the Muskegon, Michigan area.

For more information visit

Junior ‘Shortee’ Club now available for kids.

The Junior ‘Shortee’ Club is great for at home practice, indoor swing training and off-season conditioning. It is designed especially for the junior golfer.

The Junior Shortee Club has a smaller grip for junior hands.
The Junior Shortee Club is lighter and easier for junior golfers to handle.
The Junior Shortee Club is shorter so that kids can swing indoors and not hit the ceilings or the walls.
The Junior Shortee Club is perfect for at home practice because no ball is required.

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Junior Golf Fitness Featuring Britni Gielow
  • Help Your Junior Golf Improve Faster

    GolfGym® PowerBandz
    $39.95 (plus shipping)

    The GolfGym® PowerBandz are designed for the golfer looking to develop greater rotation, strength, flexibility and balance through golf specific movement patterns and exercises. Use in-season and off-season.

    The GolfGym® PowerBandz
    Quick Start Guide

  • CardioGolf® Collection Featuring Britini Gielow

    About Britni Gielow-
    Britni is a LPGA Teaching Professional and Certified CardioGolf ® Trainer. A former Academic All-American at NCAA Division III Hope College, Britni teaches golf and CardioGolf® classes at several locations in the Muskegon, Michigan and Pinehurst, North Carolina area.
    For more...

  • Now available-the GolfGym® PowerBandz for Junior Golfers

    Now available-the GolfGym® PowerBandz for junior golfers. Especially designed practice club for junior golfers to help them gain strength, flexibility and cooridinatoin.

    Practice something about your game everyday. #CardioGolfChallenge

    Simply taking practice swings with your stance at differen...

  • 14:49-minute Shape Your Swing Junior Workout Featuring Britni Gielow

  • 12:31-minute Total Body Fun Workout for Junior Golfers Featuring Britni Gielow

    Total Body Workout for Junior Golfers works on agility, balance, and strength. In this workout, Sophia and I work on balance, core and leg strength, and how to use the lower body to gain power. This class is for all ages and abilities.

    Slow March
    Fast March
    High Knees
    Low Knees

  • 13-minute Strength Training for Junior Golfers Featuring Britni Gielow

    Join us in a fun strength workout for all abilities. Working on strength at a younger age helps develop strong muscles and coordination. Add some fun to the workout by having your junior golfer create the plan and teach the instructor! Sophie leads us in another one of her favorite workouts to st...

  • 12-minute Golf-Fitness Workout For Juniors Featuring Britni Gielow

    About Britni Gielow-

    Britni is a LPGA Teaching Professional and Certified CardioGolf Trainer. A former Academic All-American at NCAA Division III Hope College, Britni teaches golf and CardioGolf classes at several locations in the Muskegon, Michigan area.

    For more information visit

  • 16-minute Warm Up for Junior Golf Featuring Britni Gielow

    Warming up the muscles is an important thing to do before we go play to prevent injury and improve performance. Most junior golfers might not have a warm up routine they do on the range before they go tee off. Warming up before teeing off at a younger age will help them develop the routine, preve...

  • 18:42 minute Junior Golf Fitness Workout Featuring Britni Gielow

    In this Junior Golf Fitness Video, I am working out with one of my students, Sophia McCollum. We are focusing on a total body workout. It’s important to train as athletes for all ages. Working on strengthening the muscles is very important, but it can also be fun. We'll get the heart rate up, ton...

  • 22:44 minute Junior Golf Fitness Workout (Fun Skills) Featuring Britni Gielow

    In this Junior Golf Fitness Video, I am working out with one of my students. We are focusing on agility. It’s important to train as athletes for all ages. I like to do CardioGolf with Junior Golfers to start to train them in agility and endurance starting at a young age. We’ll do skipping moves t...