20-min-Swing Drills to Reinforce Swing Fundamentals (048)
Off-Season Golf Conditioning
The Importance of Swing Drills and Practice Swings-
Swing drills and practice swings can help reinforce sound golf swing fundamentals and mechanics. Doing swing drills and making practice swings can also get you into positions that you may not otherwise be able to get into when you swing at full speed.
According to studies, the body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it. There is something called the ‘Principle of Specificity’ (reference NASM). The principle states that the body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it or the body will get better at what it is repeatedly asked to do. Repeatably doing swing drills, that emphasize the movement you want to ingrain into your swing, will help you change your swing to the correct motion.
Making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique. If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assure that you are actually doing the correct move. Repeating the motion that you want to achieve will help ingrain the move into your real swing.
19:11 min-Swing Drills with Shortee Club and Slope-
1. Thumb Underneath Drill
2. Wall Turn and Stretch Drill
3. Core Takeaway Drill
4. Wall Shallow Drill
5. Head Centered Drill
6. Body Motion Drill
7. Impact
8. Release
9. Alignment
10. Club Path
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