Weekly Workout Plan

Weekly Workout Plan

CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. It will include a week’s worth of workouts for you to complete. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to improve strength, flexibility and endurance plus improve your swing technique.

Simply sign into your CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription and go to the Weekly Workout Plan and all the workout videos will be teed up for you.

Weekly Workout Plan
  • Monday
    4 items


    4 items

    CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to improve strength, flexibility and endurance plus improve your swing technique.

  • Tuesday
    4 items


    4 items

    CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to improve strength, flexibility and endurance plus improve your swing technique.

  • Wednesday

    4 items

    Clothes provided by LOHLA Sports lohlasport.com-use code CardioGolf20 for 20% discount.

    CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to im...

  • Thursday

    4 items

    CardioGolf™ Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to improve strength, flexibility and endurance plus improve your swing technique.

  • Friday
    4 items


    4 items

    Clothes provided by LOHLA Sports lohlasport.com-use code CardioGolf20 for 20% discount.

    CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to im...

  • Saturday

    3 items

    Clothes provided by LOHLA Sports lohlasport.com-use code CardioGolf20 for 20% discount.

    CardioGolf™ Online Studio Subscription features a Weekly Workout Plan for you to follow. The plan will help you balance your fitness so that you are getting the correct amount of work in during the week to im...